Clipper, the Bay Area’s transit fare payment system, is accepted on almost all Bay Area transit systems, including County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, WestCAT and Wheels.
Products Available on Clipper
Clipper on County Connection means riders can stop carrying multiple forms of payment; instead store it on a Clipper card.
East Bay Day Pass
The Day Pass gives you unlimited rides for a single day on most County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, WestCAT and Wheels routes ($3.75 for adults, youth, & Clipper START/$1.75 for senior and RTC customers).
The Day Pass discount is applied automatically. Once you pay $3.75 in fares in a day ($1.75 for senior and RTC customers) on any combination of the participating transit services, your rides will be free of charge for the rest of that day. Clipper Cards still need to be tagged to show the drivers the passenger have paid the fare.
1st Trip
Regular fare charged

2nd Trip
Fare capped at maximum

3rd+ Trip
Subsequent trips are free

Free rides and fares paid on WestCAT Lynx Transbay service do not apply toward a Day Pass.
East Bay Regional 31-Day Pass
The East Bay Regional 31-Day Pass is accepted on County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, Wheels, and WestCAT (except LYNX) buses. When purchased on your Clipper card, the pass is valid for a rolling 31 days, rather than a set calendar month. The 31-day period begins when the card is first tagged.
How to Use Clipper
Information on how to get a card, add value, and use it on County Connection buses.
Getting a Card
You can get an adult Clipper card and add value to any card at:
- Walgreens, Whole Foods, and other select retailers
- Participating transit agency ticket offices, including at County Connection offices
- Online at clippercard.com
- Call Clipper at 877-878-8883
- BART ticket machines
View map of Clipper retail locations
Youth & Senior Cards
A Youth Clipper card is required to receive the youth fare discount of 50% off the Adult Clipper single-ride fares. The youth fare discount is not available when paying with cash.
A Senior Clipper card is required to receive senior discounts on cash value fares and transfers when paying with Clipper.
Applications for Youth and Senior Clipper Cards may be submitted by mail, email, or fax. To get a card immediately, you can apply in person at participating transit agency ticket offices, including at County Connection offices.
Youth & Senior Clipper Card Application
Clipper START
Clipper START is a pilot program that provides single-ride discounts to eligible riders. Eligible riders can receive a 50% discount off Adult Clipper single-ride fares. To qualify you must be a resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, 19-64 years old, and have a household income of 200% of the federal poverty level or less.
Click here for more information and to start an online application.
Adding Value
When adding value to Clipper, choose the combination of passes, tickets or cash that is needed. Value added in person at a ticket machine, participating retail store, or transit ticket office is available instantly, while it may take up to 3-5 days for value added online or over the phone to become available.
View map of Clipper retail locations
Autoload is the fastest and easiest way to ensure there is always value on a Clipper card. Autoload links your Clipper card to your credit card, bank account or transit benefit debit card to automatically pay for cash value and/or transit passes. Autoload automatically adds value to your card whenever your cash value balance falls below $10 or your pass expires.
Paying with Your Clipper Card
Clipper automatically figures out the cost of your ride, including all discounts and transfers.
- Make sure you have a valid pass or a minimum balance of $1.75 (75 cents on a Senior or RTC Clipper card) before you board
- When boarding the bus, locate the Clipper card reader just inside the front doors
- Hold your card flat against the Clipper logo on the reader
- Wait for the beep and green light – then continue to your seat
Bus and BART Transfers
- The Clipper card will recognize one free bus-to-bus transfer within a 2-hour time period.
- The Clipper card will recognize and honor free transfers between County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, Wheels, WestCAT, SolTrans, and FAST at shared transit stops.
- BART transfer fares will be recognized and deducted accordingly ($1.00 for adult riders and $0.50 for Clipper START/youth/senior/RTC riders) from the cards stored cash value, or no deduction for 31-Day Pass users.
More About Clipper
For more information about Clipper or to set up an online account, please call Clipper Customer Service at 877-878-8883 or visit clippercard.com.