NEW! Starting July 1, 2023, the Go San Ramon service area will be expanded to include areas along Alcosta Blvd (between Montevideo and Pine Valley) and Deer Creek Apartments. Click here for a map of the service area and zones.

County Connection will pay half the fare (up to $5) on rideshare trips on Uber and Lyft within the service area!
Service Area
Go San Ramon is valid for trips that start and end in Zone 1 or trips between Zones 1 and 2.
For trips within Zone 2, please use Go Tri-Valley, which offers a similar discount for trips in Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore. Click here for more information.
How It Works
1. Download the app for Uber or Lyft
2. Add the promotion to your account

For Uber, go to or scan the QR code below to enter the phone number associated with your Uber account.

Go to the ‘Payment’ section of the app. Tap ‘Add Lyft Pass’ and enter promo code GOSANRAMON.
This promo will automatically apply for valid rides! See details by tapping on the ‘GO San Ramon’ Lyft pass.
3. Set up your trip by using Uber Pool or Lyft Shared
Note that in order to qualify for the discount:
- You must select a shared ride option (Uber Pool or Lyft Shared)
- Your trip must be within Zone 1 or between Zones 1 and 2 of the designated service area.
- Your trip must be taken during County Connection’s regular fixed-route service hours:
- Weekdays, 4:30AM – 11:00PM
- Weekends, 7:00AM – 10:30PM
4. Your discount will be automatically applied once your trip concludes
When is Go San Ramon valid?
Go San Ramon is valid for trips on any day of the week during County Connection’s regular fixed-route service hours:
- Weekdays, 4:30 am – 11:00 pm
- Weekends, 7:00 am – 10:30 pm
The Go San Ramon pilot program was extended starting May 1, 2022 and will tentatively be available for one year, subject to funding availability.
Where is Go San Ramon valid?
Go San Ramon is valid for trips that start and end in Zone 1 or for trips between Zones 1 and 2. Zone 1 of the service area includes parts of south and west San Ramon, as well as the San Ramon Transit Center, San Ramon Regional Medical Center, Kaiser, and Alcosta Senior and Community Center. Zone 2 includes West Dublin and Dublin/Pleasanton BART stations as well as Deer Creek Apartments.
For trips within Zone 2, please use Go Tri-Valley, which offers a similar discount for trips in Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore. Click here for more information.
Is tipping required?
Tipping is optional. Go San Ramon does not cover the cost of tips.
How long can I expect to wait for my ride to show up?
Actual wait times depend on how many drivers are currently in the area, but in most cases a ride may arrive within 10 to 15 minutes.
Is there service for people with disabilities?
Yes, currently Uber offers vehicles that are wheelchair accessible. County Connection also provides ADA paratransit service. Call (925) 680-2066 or (925) 680-2067 for more information.
Why is Go San Ramon only available to parts of San Ramon?
Go San Ramon is a 12-month pilot and available to those areas in the City where fixed-route transit service is limited or not provided.
What happens after the 12-month pilot period?
On July 1, 2023, the pilot program was modified to expand the service area. Based on demand and funding, County Connection with input from San Ramon and LAVTA, will evaluate service demand, costs, and feasibility. A recommendation to continue, expand, or eliminate the service will be made after the pilot.
Where is fixed-route service in San Ramon?
Click here for information on San Ramon fixed routes, express service, and schedules.
Go San Ramon is a pilot program provided by County Connection in partnership with the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority and the City of San Ramon.