Public Hearing: Route 27 and 99X Service Change – County Connection

Public Hearing: Route 27 and 99X Service Change

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the proposed service changes for Route 27 and 99X during today’s public hearing. We heard a lot of great comments and our Board approved the proposal to consolidate the two routes into a single free route, connecting Martinez Amtrak to North Concord BART. Changes will take effect August 6, 2023. Look for additional notifications posted on buses and our website.

Notice of Public Hearing – Thursday, May 18, 2023, 9:00 am

The Central Contra Costa Transit Authority (County Connection) will hold a public hearing to gather comment on proposed changes to Route 99X and elimination of Route 27, which would be replaced by select trips on Route 99X. The proposal also includes offering free rides on Route 99X. Further information on the proposed changes is provided below.

Service & Fare Change Proposal

Route 99X began operating in August 2018 and is funded by the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP) cap and trade grant program. Since its launch, the route has not attracted much ridership and continues to underperform compared to other express routes. Given its low performance, changes are being proposed to increase efficiency and productivity. The proposal also includes consolidation of Route 27, which currently provides limited trips within North Concord. The proposed new alignment and schedule would:

  • Provide a faster and more direct connection between North Concord BART and Martinez Amtrak;
  • Continue serving high usage stops like North Concord BART, Concord Adult Homeless Shelter, Morello/Arnold, Martinez Amtrak, and Mason Circle;
  • Eliminate route segments with little to no ridership on both Routes 27 and 99X, including Pike Ln, the Pacheco Transit Center, Muir Rd, and Arnold Dr;
  • Improve transfer connections with Amtrak; and
  • Preserve existing service levels overall, including hours and frequency

Since the consolidation of Route 27 into Route 99X would result in current riders on Route 27 paying the higher Express route fare when using Clipper, the proposal also includes making Route 99X fare-free.

Staff reports:

How to Comment

Comments can be submitted in writing via mail, email, or online, or at the scheduled public hearing. Written comments must be received by May 10, 2023.

  • Add a comment on this post (bottom of page)
  • Mail your comment in writing to:
    Director of Planning & Marketing
    2477 Arnold Industrial Way
    Concord, CA 94520
  • Email
  • Speak at the public hearing on Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 9:00 am (in person or via teleconference):

It is anticipated that the Board of Directors will take action on the proposed program at their regular meeting scheduled for May 18, 2023, following the public hearing.

11 thoughts on “Public Hearing: Route 27 and 99X Service Change

  • I think this plan seems great, especially the part about eliminating fares. We need cheap/free public transit in the face of climate change and rising costs of living. Public transit is a service for the people of our county and to our local economy. This proposal seems like a great step in that direction and would reduce traffic in all of those areas as well as bolster nearby businesses. The proposed changes to Route 99X and elimination of Route 27 could increase efficiency and productivity while still preserving existing service levels overall, including hours and frequency. Additionally, the proposal aims to provide a faster and more direct connection between North Concord BART and Martinez Amtrak while continuing to serve high usage stops. This is great and I think more proposals like this should be suggested.

  • I would need to get to 2500 Bates when our offices are moved to that location. If the 99X can go from North Concord BART to 2500 Bates, that would help. There are no options to get there currently, except for the 27, which does not have a schedule that works with my work schedule.

    • Hi Stacy,

      Thank you for your feedback. The modified Route 99X would serve the stops on Bates at Commercial Circle/Folsom Ct on select trips, which would be around the same times as the current Route 27. However, if you could let us know what time(s) you need to travel at, we can take that into consideration as we finalize schedules.

      • I think Stacy Lee means to have the new route stop at Bates and port Chicago highway. Because the proposed one does not stop there.
        This would be a great route – left on industrial way, right on bates, right on Port Chicago highway. Me a few riders do on/off bates/port Chicago 8am, 8:30am, 3pm, 5:35pm.

      • My work hours are 8:00am-4:30pm. If the 99X can get to 2500 Bates from North Concord BART by 8:00 am in the mornings, that would be helpful. Thank your for considering my work schedule.

  • Hello, the diagram currently on this page shows the 99X proposed alignment and “Eliminated Alignment (Rt. 28).” Could you please clarify if Route 27, Route 28, or both are being considered for elimination?

    • Hi Brian,

      Thanks for catching that! Only Route 27 is being considered for elimination, and no changes are being proposed on Route 28. The diagram has been corrected

      • This has my full support as long as it’s direct, fast, and regular.
        Direct: It should prioritize main hubs for the mass majority of people.
        Fast: this will come with fewer stops that prioritize the masses.
        Regular: this needs to run during ALL Bart hours of operation and should come every 15mins. This is the most important especially for people who work longer than a 9-5 and commute, who have been released from the hospital or court.
        Running during all hour of operation will benefit the community, local businesses, the housing market, ect by finally integrating Martinez into the public transportation system.

  • This would be a great route – left on industrial way, right on bates, right on Port Chicago highway. Me a few riders do on/off bates/port Chicago 8am, 8:30am, 3pm, 5:35pm.

  • This would be a great tiny (literally a 3min drive to cover ground) extended route – left on industrial way, right on bates, right on Port Chicago highway. Me and a few riders do on/off bates/port Chicago.
    Best time to leave north concord bart 8am, 8:30am.
    Best time to stop at Bates/Port Chicago highway 3:10pm, 5:40pm.
    The triple summer heat winter rain/windstorm, crossing freeway entrance and exit is dangerous.

  • I think this would be amazing, especially to reduce congestion at BART for commuters. I would utilize this

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