ccctadev – Page 18 – County Connection

Meet Kandi – Administrative Superstar

Kandi resizedMeet Kandi

Kandi is a recent addition to the County Connection administrative team, and is proving her worth. She has an extensive background serving as the administrative “right hand woman” for several Fortune 500 companies.  “I feel like a chameleon that can fit in anywhere.”

As the assistant to County Connection’s Civil Rights Administrator, Kandi is active in recruitment and employment outreach, but also assists the Human Resources department with new hire processing. Everyone she works with appreciates her effervescent personality and permanent smile. Kandi is a results-driven woman who sets both professional and personal goals – something tells us she’ll meet them all.

Stand Up For Transportation

SUFT logoJoin County Connection and “Stand Up For Transportation”

What: Agency leaders will provide brief but detailed explanations of Bay Area transportation investments imperiled if Congress fails to pass a long-term surface transportation bill.

When: Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 1 p.m.

 Where: Temporary Transbay Terminal, 200 Main Street between Howard and Folsom Streets San Francisco

County Connection will take a bus to the event and has space available for the first 15 riders. The bus will leave Pleasant Hill BART at 11:00 AM and leave San Francisco promptly at 2:30 PM.



America’s Transportation Infrastructure Lags Behind Global Transit Standards

Earlier this month, County Connection proudly participated in a national event called “Stand Up For Transportation” (SU4T). This national event , held on April 9, was organized and sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) with the goal to highlight and emphasize just how important transportation infrastructure is to the United States.

County Connection, along with over 20 other Bay Area organizations, participated in a joint event at the temporary Transbay Terminal in San Francisco to lend our voices to the day-long, national outcry to congress demanding long-term investment in our nation’s transportation infrastructure to keep America moving forward.

Why was SU4T necessary? Because investment in all transportation is at record lows, when accounting for inflation, going back to before the 1950s. Yet, our economy and our daily lives have never depended more on our various transportation systems than they do now. Meanwhile, other countries, like China, are building new transportation systems at a breakneck pace.

Beyond building awareness, SU4T events specifically called out federal leaders with the demand that they address the unacceptable lack of investment in transportation by passing an overdue reauthorization of a federal transportation bill with adequate funding before the current federal transportation funding bill, Moving Ahead for Progress crowdin the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), expires on May 31.

Imagine if the nation had not invested in the interstate freeway system in the 1950s and 1960s. Imagine if we had not invested in BART in the 1960s and 1970s. Those things were not built to last forever. All of these transportation systems are in dire need of full replacement. The sad truth is we don’t have to imagine anything. The daily drive down our local streets and roads is already an exercise in dodging potholes, avoiding traffic backups, and the need for meditation tapes! After all, being late for work puts you at risk economically, as does paying for costly repairs to your car when you have to drive down streets of disrepair.

This is to say nothing of our struggles to keep up with demand for additional transportation options and opportunities. We are essentially relying on the same levels of transportation services as we did in 1990. Yet, population and job growth have been extensive. We need to find ways of increasing transportation services and facilities.

How did we get to this state of disrepair and stagnation with respect to transportation? Well, like anything of this magnitude, there is no one single reason. However, our financial investment has dwindled significantly. This is a main part of the problem, as we can’t build or maintain any transportation facilities or services for free. They all cost a lot of money.

Federal investment in transportation peaked in 1993 and has been steadily eroding ever since. This is because the funding source of the federal investment is the federal gas tax (or excise tax). This tax has been at 18.4 cents per gallon since 1993 and in today’s dollars, buys much less than it did then. Therefore, the net result is less investment in transportation.

If you believe that our nation’s highways, streets and roads, public transit, and airports, etc. need to be improved and better maintained, then you too can join County Connection and scores of others that “Stand Up For Transportation”!  Write, call, or email your Congressperson, and let them know that adequate federal investment in transportation is vital to your quality life and your economic well-being.

Bishop Ranch 6 Closure Means Detour for 96X/97X

96-97 mapRoutes 96X and 97X will detour around BR 6 during construction work expected between April 4-11.

Detours are as follows:

For all 96X Southbound and 97X Northbound

From Bishop 3

Right   Camino Ramon

Left      Norris Canyon

Left      1st Bishop Ranch 6 service road

Veer Left  To temporary stop

Right    Camino Ramon to regular route



County Connection Riders Do It Again!

GoGreen_1200x1200_1In February, County Connection bus riders reduced CO2 emissions by 30,384 pounds EVERY WEEKDAY.

Each person does make a difference. With a system average trip length (one way) of 5 miles, each person who leaves their car at home and uses the bus will reduce CO2 emissions by 4.6 pounds. One person – one day a week can make a difference. Give the bus try! It’s easy…download the free mobile app from our home page to get real time arrival predictions for buses near you.

Stand Up 4 Transportation – April 9, 2015

Communities Across the Nation Unite to Emphasize Need for Long-term Investment in U.S. Transportation Infrastructure before Expiration of Federal Transportation Bill on May 31.

With the future of America’s public transportation, roads, bridges and rail systems on the line, transportation and community leaders from across the country will unite on April 9, 2015 to highlight “Stand Up for Transportation Day.”  Sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), with support from national and local partners from transportation organizations, business and community oriented interests, Stand Up for Transportation Day will unite the voices of 216 participating organizations in more than 140 communities across the country to focus on the urgency of the passage of a long-term, federal transportation bill.

The current federal transportation funding bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), is set to expire on May 31, 2015. Without a long-term federal transportation funding bill, communities across the country will face tremendous uncertainty.  Transportation is the backbone of our local and national economy. A long-term transportation bill is needed for better and expanded transportation options, and to continue to grow our economy.


Invitation_SU4T regional event


Meet Oscar – Another “Face” of County Connection

Oscar resizedMeet Oscar

Before joining County Connection nearly 25 years ago Oscar worked at the Port of Oakland as a truck driver/owner/operator. He liked his job, but felt something lacking. When he became a County Connection bus operator he realized it was interaction with people that was missing. “My passengers bring me joy every day”. Oscar grew up in El Salvador and had a sister with special needs. This instilled in him a great sense of compassion for passengers that may need a little extra assistance, time, or patience.

Oscar’s top priority has always been the safety of his passengers, and feels that his perfect safe driving record is his greatest accomplishment here at County Connection. After nearly 25 years Oscar should be thinking of retirement – but his head and heart are in a tug of war at the moment, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

Several Bus Schedules Will Change Effective March 15, 2015

Several bus routes will experience changes effective Sunday, March 15, 2015. Service changes are considered several times a year to reflect changing traffic conditions, new service requests and necessary changes to route patterns.

Changes that go into effect on March 15th include:

Route 93X


  • The Limited service trip leaving WC BART at 4:08 PM adjusts to leave BART at 4:23 PM and arrive at Hillcrest at 5:23 PM
  • The trip leaving WC BART at 5:46 PM adjusts to leave BART at 5:55 PM – all timepoints on that trip will adjust


Route 96X and 97X


  • Both routes will change to provide service to ATT/Bishop Ranch
  • All running times will adjust


Route 4


  • A long-term detour goes into effect around the Broadway Plaza due to construction
  • Buses will travel on Broadway in the Southbound direction rather than on Plaza Drive


New schedules will be distributed throughout the service beginning March 10, 2015. For immediate schedule information please call 676-7500. Schedules and maps will be posted on the website on Friday, March 13, 2014

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