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Springtime at County Connection

Springtime Activities Abound

Late winter and early spring are always busy times around the County Connection bus yard. Our spring schedule for the fixed route system is implemented usually sometime in March. In February and March legislative proposals that will impact public transit are often in full play at both the state and federal levels. We are also in the thick of budget season as staff puts together the budget for the next fiscal year, which begins in July.

This year, we have the added tasks of setting up and conducting temporary detours largely due to road damage caused by the heavy rains this winter. This often involves working with a local jurisdiction as they make emergency pothole repairs. These will come up unexpectedly and require a quick coordinated response, as well as regular follow through. There are also the more significant, but less frequent, issues that pop up such as large sinkholes. These are longer term events and require a longer term commitment to an appropriate detour.

In addition, we also continue to experience a very strong job market in Contra Costa County. While this is great news, it means we are constantly in recruitment mode to ensure full staffing. This comes at a time when we are in the middle of a mini retirement wave. County Connection has been blessed with a well-experienced and veteran workforce. Lots of these folks were hired in the late 1980s, so now many of them have begun to retire after years of excellent service. So, in the midst of a hot job market, we find ourselves working hard to find suitable replacements.

It has also been a very active period in terms of various potential initiatives on transportation. A number of unrelated interests are nearly simultaneously pursuing or examining ways of making improvements to the transportation system. As such, we are expected to (or have an interest to) participate in these various efforts. County Connection continues to view itself as an important piece of the transportation network in Contra Costa County. Thus, to maintain that place, we are fully engaged in these assorted efforts.

As you can see, springtime is indeed a busy time at the bus yard. However, we thrive on being busy and active. This is where we want to be as an organization. Public agency inertia inherently leads to poor public service. Good public service needs to be supported by active, engaged, and energized people dedicated to performing such service.

March 17th Is National Transit Driver Appreciation Day

On March 17, join us in celebrating our hard-working bus drivers.

That could be as simple as a smile and a wave as you’re boarding and a “thank you” when you leave. You can also submit an official commendation for a job well done, so your drivers can be formally recognized for their efforts. (You can do that any time of year!)

For hours on end, your driver manages to keep a schedule, check fares, give directions, announce stops, remember requests and more. All while safely maneuvering an extra-large vehicle through unpredictable traffic, tough weather conditions and some really tight spaces. Needless to say, they deserve our thanks!

On behalf of all the staff at County Connection – here’s a great big THANK YOU!!!

Possible Delay On Rt. 316 In Martinez 3/4/17

The annual baseball parade will be held Saturday, March 4th at 10:00 beginning at City Hall (Henrietta/Alhambra). Alhambra Ave. will be closed to traffic between Jones and Main from 10:00-10:30 AM. The road will open behind the parade as it makes it’s way to Main St.

May possibly affect the 9:42 and 10:57 AM trips leaving Walnut.

Community Survey – County Connection Is Seeking Bids

County Connection is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to conduct a community outreach study that includes a statistically accurate sampling of adults and senior citizens (65+) in the County Connection service area. The purpose of the survey is to assess the extent to which consumers are familiar with our service, the service characteristics that would encourage greater use of the service.

For scope of work, timeline, and required documents see the complete bid package

Bus Transit Post-Election 2016

What Happens Now?

No matter what proposition or which candidate you may have voted for, I think many will agree if nothing else, it has been an interesting election season. As the General Manager of County Connection, I am often asked these days: What will the election possibly mean for public transit? The short answer is: We really don’t know, yet.

Overall, for transit the election is a mixed bag. In the Bay Area, BART’s Measure RR passed with over 71% of the vote in favor. This means BART will be able to raise much of the funding it will need to rehab its aging system. Users of BART will benefit greatly from this. Locally, Santa Clara County passed a sales tax measure that will support both roadway improvements, as well as transit improvements. AC Transit was able to renew an existing parcel tax that has long supported popular bus routes throughout the inner East Bay. However, for us here in Contra Costa County, our Measure X just barely failed to gain the necessary two-thirds vote needed to pass. Thus, the projects and programs for all modes of transportation that the measure would have supported are going to be delayed in many cases.

At the state level, there were no transportation measures among the many state propositions on this year’s ballot. Moreover, the state legislature will look very much like the last state legislature. So, I do not anticipate any major changes in state transportation policy approaches in the next two-year session.

We could, however, see further legislation regarding transportation technology developments. Activity towards autonomous vehicles is picking up in California and the legislature may want to start doing what is reasonable to support that. Also, it would not be a surprise to see the legislature work to solidify and shore up the state cap and trade programs. These programs have the potential to provide significant assistance to public transportation programs. On a less than positive note, given that the new legislature looks similar to last one, I do not anticipate that we will see a large transportation funding package emerge from it. This remains a heavy lift – particularly the debate on how to pay for such a package.

Finally, we arrive at the federal level. This is going to be interesting to watch and perhaps hard to predict. First off, a current federal transportation authorization was just enacted late last year. Thus, we have nearly four years of authorization left. So, on one hand, very little needs to happen, if only to maintain the status quo for now. However, while we have four more years of federal transportation authorization, the main funding source of that authorization, the Highway Trust Fund, is projected to go broke within two years or so. If that holds true, the new congress and President will have to come to an agreement about how to tackle this funding shortfall.

So far, it is looking like it could be an interesting set of debates. President Elect Trump has talked in broad terms of a 10-year trillion-dollar infrastructure package. What portion – if any – of this would be marked for public transit is not known. However, both congressional leaders (Senator McConnell, and Speaker Ryan) have not yet warmed to the idea of making infrastructure a funding priority. Any of this will likely run up against deficit reduction talks in Washington.

So, as you can see, much remains at stake for public transit after this election. It will likely be months, if not years, before we learn how the 2016 election ultimately affects public transit.

Later Night Service On Free Ride Trolley

good-xmas-rt-4Later Night Service Begins Friday, November 25th

Continuing the tradition of providing later night bus service on the free ride trolley during the busy holiday season, the City of Walnut Creek will again support later operations on weekday, and Saturday evenings. The Sunday service will remain unchanged.

The service will run about every 20 minutes throughout the evening as follows

November 25 – December 10 – Last bus leave Broadway Plaza at:

Weeknights – 10:10 PM

Saturday – 10:16 PM

December 12 – December 23 – Last bus leaves Broadway Plaza at:

Weeknights – 11:06 PM

Saturday – 11:16 PM


December 26 – December 31 Last bus leaves Broadway Plaza at:

Weeknights – 10:10 PM

Saturday – 10:16 PM



RFP: Purchase & Delivery of Diesel & Gas

Central Contra Costa Transit Authority (County Connection) invites bids from qualified suppliers or manufacturers for the purchase and delivery of CARB Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel, Bio-Diesel, Renewable Diesel, and/or Unleaded Gasolines to Central Contra Costa Transit Authority (County Connection), Regional Transit Coordinating Council member agencies and other local government agencies. This is a consortium acquisition among several transit properties and local governmental subdivisions with County Connection acting as the lead agency. This Invitation will result in multiple awards.

Bids must be received in County Connection’s Maintenance Department by 2:00 PM, December 5, 2016.

Addendum #1 posted 11-10-16.

Minutes posted 11-16-16.
