Nextdoor is the free and private social network for neighborhoods. On Nextdoor, neighbors create private websites for their neighborhoods where they can ask questions, get to know one another, and exchange local advice and recommendations.
Thousands of neighborhoods across the country are already using Nextdoor to:…
•Find trustworthy local resources, such as babysitters, plumbers, and dentists
•Report suspicious activity and local crime
•Organize neighborhood events, such as garage sales and block parties
•Get assistance in finding lost pets and missing packages
•Sell or give away items, like your old kitchen table or bike
To join or create your neighbor community, visit
*Your Nextdoor website remains private. County Connection staff will not be able to see any of the posts on your neighborhood website except for the direct replies to our posts.
We will not use Nextdoor to communicate day to day messages and service alerts (if you want these, its best to follow us on Facebook or Twitter). County Connection will use Nextdoor primarily to communicate service or routing changes specific to your neighborhood, fare changes, public hearing dates, and special promotions.
Nextdoor is not the place to report service complaints that need to be investigated. These should be called in to our Customer Service Department at 925-676-7500 so the complaint can be immediately documented and forwarded to the appropriate department for investigation. General comments, recommendations, or commendations will be also be forwarded.
County Connection has been part of the community since 1980, and we’re please to now become a part of the Nextdoor neighborhood.