Proposed Service Changes in Martinez and Walnut Creek – County Connection

Proposed Service Changes in Martinez and Walnut Creek

Service Changes Proposed

Public workshops are scheduled to gather comments on proposed changes to routes in Walnut Creek and Martinez. Changes are proposed to improve performance and service quality.

Meeting Dates/Locations

  • Monday, March 17, 2014 – 4:00-6:00 PM at Martinez City Hall, 525 Henrietta St.
  • Thursday, March 20, 2014 – 4:00-6:00 PM at the Walnut Creek Library, 1644 Broadway

Proposed Service Changes

Walnut Creek: 

  • Re-route the #7 to provide more frequent and direct service between Pleasant Hill BART and Shadelands
  • Eliminate route #2 and modify route #5 to provide more frequent and direct service to Walnut Creek BART


  • Modifications to #18 and #28 to increase service to the retail centers on Arnold.  Service on Howe Rd. would be eliminated.
  • Eliminate route #19 and redirect service hours to new community shuttle route.
  • New Community shuttle route would operate between downtown Martinez and retail on Arnold (Walmart and Village Oaks Shopping Center)

County Connection is seeking public comment on the proposed service changes.

Detailed maps for the changes can be viewed online at:

Your comments can also be submitted in writing, via email, or by completing a text survey.  For English, text YES to 925-301-9650. For Spanish, text TEXTO to 925-297-6840.


Address:      Director of Planning

2477 Arnold Industrial Way

Concord, CA  64520

89 thoughts on “Proposed Service Changes in Martinez and Walnut Creek

  • hola me imagino que eso no esta bien en los cambios en martinez, porque para toda la gente que quiere ir a pleasant hill o concord, no podrá hacerlo tendrá que agarrar dos camiones o irse hasta el amtrak, a esperar la ruta 16

    • Hola, no estoy de acuerdo con los cambios en la ruta 5, porque mi familia siempre usa esta ruta para ir a la biblioteca de Walnut Creek y al Civic Park, mi suegra toma esta ruta 5 siempre para asistir al Senior Center de Walnut Creek y por ultimo mi hijo toma esta ruta de regreso a casa cuando cuando sale de actividades deportivas despues del horario escolar del WCI.

  • Shuttle service to Walmart would be very nice. As it is now, I can take the 28 or 19 from Pacheco and it is a long uphill walk to Walmart.

    I would hate to see the 19 discontinued in Concord, though. I’m a little unclear on this. Are you talking about getting rid of the 19 altogether, or just the part of it that runs through Martinez? The 19 is the only bus I can take to the part of Concord where my pharmacy is. I can take other buses and walk from Concord BART but it is much further! Those of us who are over 55 appreciate the 19 and the fact that it runs close to Walgreens! Thanks for letting me comment.

    • Thank you for your comments. All are being forwarded to the planning department, and will be considered.

  • Is there any chance of either #16 or #18 running on Saturday, down the same Pleasant Hill Rd / Alhambra route? I live on PH Rd, and on Saturdays there is no bus for me to get down to Crescent Plaza. It’s a very long walk for me as I have mobility problems.

    • Unfortunately not. The service that used to run on that stretch of Alhambra/PH Rd. was eliminated several years ago due to low ridership. Your comments will forwarded to the service planning dept. though, for future consideration if weekend adjustments are planned.

  • As you know, everyone who has been taking buses for more than 2 weeks is an amateur transit engineer. So here’s my suggestion: Since the 19 bus leaving Concord Bart at 7:10 AM does carry many people, can the 91X be rerouted through Grant and Bonifacio stopping at Pacheco St and Concord Ave? You can make up the time by not stopping after Willow and Diamond. Anyone who needs to get off before Bart can transfer to the 20, which follows the 91X directly.

    • 91X is pretty heavily subsidized by 3 partners as an express route (much like Bishop Ranch subsidizes the Rt. 96X), so this would require some give & take on their part. But these comments will be noted. Thank you.

  • I live on Walnut Ave and i think you should pit more service on Walnut Ave and if you’re going to put direct service maybe do what wheels did and put a rapid service on treat. Treat gets backed up during peak hours.

    • Thank you for your comments. They will be included as part of the record. If you can come by the workshop it will be a good opportunity to hear others.

      • Hello Mary.

        I can tell you work for cccta. I have a question, do you yourself ride the bus? I have taken the bus for 10 plus years and live in the 19 bus area. I see people on the bus all day due to the 19 every 2 hours causes lower ridership I am disabled and although I can walk further to the 18 stop but 19 is much closer and it’s a quicker cheaper ride than the 18 I go to dentist on concord ave. quite often am this would make it harder for my disability please don’t take away the 19 yet maybe shorten the time between buses

  • Getting rid of the 19 bus would be a mistake!! The CCCTA should be adding service and working on re-routing not taking it away. Granted its the worst line and has the lowest ridership, It comes once every 2 hours?! doesn’t go to DVC or Sunvalley and only goes to Target Shoping center that if you want to return you have to ether walk 1/2 mile to the next stop or cross the busy road in our area without a pedestrian walk way. and stops service at 7pm!!

    BUT IT IS THE ONLY SERVICE FROM THE ARTHUR/PACHECO AREA and if you live in the Vine Hill area you already have to walk 1/2 mile to get to the stop that has no shelter and and is in a middle of a field, and has basically lighting if you take early morning buses. Wonder why nobody takes it?
    But improve it don’t take it way from the people that NEED it walking over a mile to get to the #18 (that still has no shelter or bench) will the new Community shuttle get us the areas we need DVC, Sunvalley, post offices, Discover house, Churches, county offices, Target, Bart.

    Will is shuttle inprove how on getting from Pleanst hill, Concord area to Arthur/Pacheco area? or will there be NO service to that area at all?! Will the new service add more hours? add more frequent times?

    Again THIS is why the 19 doesn’t work for riders HELP us! Don’t take away our only way to get get around!
    There is no direct route to on the 19 to DVC Or Sunvally
    Is routed in stanwell circle in concord that is useless
    Has no awareness like shelters and proper signage or benches
    Service once every 2 hours
    Stops service 8
    No weekend service

  • The Shadelands Shuttle is a great idea! I manage 12 commercial office buildings in the Shadelands Business Park and know that current and future emloyees would find it very beneficial to have a dedicated Shuttle from Pleasant Hill Bart to the Shadelands. Thanks very much

  • This proposal would be fantastic for Children’s Hospital patients that are coming to our Campus in Walnut Creek as well as our staff. I am in full support for this proposal.
    Cameo Gore
    Director of Operations
    Children’s Hospital
    Walnut Creek Campus

  • Please keep the 19 my sons need the bus to go to shool and to go to the wester dental in concord and some kids need the bus to go to school early and that is the only bus at an early convenience to go to school

  • I live in Martinez and work in both cities, been riding the bus for a year and 1/2 and am not happy at all w/ the proposed changes. It would be better if bus 19 ran more frequently than every 2 hours, it’s VERY inconvenient, don’t take it away! What bus will go to Concord Bart from Martinez? There is bus 16 but it doesn’t run on Pacheco Blvd. I ride bus 2 also and eliminating that would be a hardship. The only bus that goes anywhere near Trotter is bus 21 on Danville Blvd and that is a LONG ways to walk.

    The new shuttle to the shops on Arnold is the only good thing I can say about the changes.

  • I am an electrical and mechanical engineer and I have been taking the 19 every morning for the past 4 years. The bus is almost always packed when I am riding. Elimination of the route would only do harm to the communities it serves. Why not increase fare, decrease hours of operation or a combination of both in lieu of elimination?

      • Try the bus stop at Pacheco Blvd. and Center Ave. or from the Amtrak Station in Martinez. I refuse no matter what CCCTA thinks that the #19 has low ridership! I am asking CCCTA to show the riders proof of this as many riders I have talk to disagree with CCCTA!

        • So then according to your statement in order to provide a shuttle bus from downtown Martinez to the shopping area on Arnold CCCTA needs to cut a bus somewhere. But what I don’t understand is why the #19, as it does provide a valuable service to the riders that live in that area. How does 1 shuttle translate into loosing a whole bus line?

  • Dear Ms Burdick,
    It really sounds like you are getting very defensive over comments the public are making about CCCTA eliminating the # 19 bus. Which obviously CCCTA does not seem to care that this bus line is a lot busier than they claim it to be. Do they even care that they will be leaving single mothers with small kids, school kids, disabled people, workers, non drivers stranded. This is PublicTransportation that if the # 19 is taken away then CCCTA no longer is serving the public it was created to serve. shame on CCCTA!

    • Sorry, I really don’t mean to sound defensive…I just want to get as much info as possible from riders, and my short answers are meant more to acknowledge the comment and assure it will be part of the public record. All our data suggests that there is not much ridership demand for the Rt. 19, which is why we are giving so many options for input – these are important decisions. We’ve heard a lot in the past couple of years about creating service from downtown MTZ to businesses along Arnold and if we add somewhere, we need to cut somewhere.

      • So then according to your statement in order to provide a shuttle bus from downtown Martinez to the shopping area on Arnold CCCTA needs to cut a bus somewhere. But what I don’t understand is why the #19, as it does provide a valuable service to the riders that live in that area. How does 1 shuttle translate into loosing a whole bus line?

        • This is a recommendation based on productivity reports with a shifting of the revenue hours of service, and the assumption that the downtown shuttle service would be more productive. BUT nothing is set in stone. We have to go thru the public process and have Board approval before any changes can be made.

  • I am following all of this very closely and am hoping for an agreeable out come that the #19 bus is NOT eliminated! Who’s ever decision this was should ride that bus and ask the riders what they think about being stranded without a bus to serve them! I for one don’t not agree with CCCTA and their thinking. SAVE THE #19 BUS PLEASE!

  • I wanted to just say that since I’ve driven route 2&5 I don’t think that route 2 should be eliminated i know it’s a packed route but there are working passengers I know that take that line daily to get back and forth from Bart to work and home etc. Plus also school kids who take the 2 to get back home up on trotter way and Palmer road. Also the 5 should stay as is also due to passengers I know that lived in CREEKSIDE and would take the bus to work every day off Newell and south broadway

    • Thank you for your input. Just so you know the school trips currently served on the 600 series routes wouldn’t be affected if elimination of the 2 is the final recommendation.

      • Follow up to my comment…pointed out the 602 doesn’t help Las Lomas much in the afternoon – so the writers concern still stands.

    • Ironically, the current northbound Route 5 stops at Broadway/Civic at a CCCTA Shelter by the Walnut Creek Library where the March 20 Hearing will be held. If these Service Changes take effect as Proposed, no bus will stop there. I very much like the Proposed Service Change to Route 5, however.

  • Hi Mary,
    This would be a good item to have on the Advisory Committee Agenda, March 14. Do these persons making comments realize they may attend and speak at this meeting as a member of the public?
    Another good topic for Friday’s meeting may be the 10 am – 2 pm Free Ride for 65+ Seniors or disabled.

    • Both topics have been on the agenda, and yes, the public hearing schedule for proposed service changes is on the agenda again.

        • The meeting in Martinez (3/17) is at City Hall on Henrietta. If you live on the 19 take it Amtrak and either walk the 5-6 blocks or transfer to 16 or 98X.

  • Why isn’t Route 25, the lowest ridership route in CCCTA, being proposed for elimination?

  • I would appreciate to have a Shadelands Bart shuttle as proposed =)
    Thank you

    • So would I. Mary Burdick works long as a Manager, so probably won’t reply to us until tomorrow.

  • I think the community shuttle similar to the 4 for Martinez is a, great idea. My concern is however that the transportation in and out of Martinez is already some of the worst in the system, particularly on the weekends. The 19 is also one of the few buses that serves the businesses and dmv. That route serves a very low percentage of Martinez compared to Concord. Isn’t their a row in Concord that could be eliminat eliminated or routes that could be rerouted (there is a lot Pd system overlap in Concord) in order to save the 19? The area of Martinez that route serves is in need of increased service, not elimination.

    As much as I’d like to see a shuttle to Walmart, the 18 and the 316 stop a few short blocks from there and though slightly uphill, it’s easily navigated.

      • As no Agenda has been published for the Advisory Committee Meeting tomorrow, I will attend the March 17 & 20 Public Workshops instead.

        • Wow! This is a very embarrassing way to find out the employee who puts the packet together for the IT manager to post has been out sick.

  • Why hasn’t the CCCTA notified the riders of the 19 route of proposed changes at any bus stops? The small 8×10 sign is not always notice by riders.

    • We don’t often post at the bus stop level. Lack of staff and notices often removed, fly away, etc. We generally find notices on the buses that serve ALL routes are preferential because they help get people talking.

  • Why weren’t the Proposed Service Changes Meetings set from 11 am-1 pm?
    That would reduce the number of attendees coming by LINK and let CCCTA
    Management attend during business hours.

    • Historically, public meetings better attended if scheduled late afternoon/early evening.

      • True. The County Board of Supervisor’s Meetings are a good example of low attendance. Their Meetings start at 9 AM.
        Why not then hold CCCTA Board & Committee Meetings in the evening?

  • According to yesterday’s Walnut Creek Journal, a weekly section in my Contra Costa Times, public comments on the proposed service changes ‘can be submitted in writing, via email, or at the two scheduled public hearings. E-mail:

    • Every now and then the idea of funding for more all night service comes up, but I’m afraid that would be a very difficult sell at this time. The ridership in the suburbs was so low it did not meet the minimum threshold set by MTC to continue funding.

  • Dear County connection services,

    I am a frequent rider of the bus#19. I take this service everyday to stanwell dr in Concord. I have seen the bulletin informing the elimination of this service. Is there any other replacement of this route? there are no more buses offering the services from and to the bart station and I have found myself several times walking this long distance to Bart. It is a 30 minutes fast walk.
    If this service had more frequency I am sure many more people would ride the bus. It has been very inconvenient having only 3 hours in the morning for this service and limited hours as well for the ride back to the station in the afternoon.
    My final destination is stanwell dr in concord, however, I know of people riding the bus with their bike on their way to Pacheco. Eliminating this service will also increase commuting time for many riders coming to concord from different places of the bay area. It has brought to my attention that the Wells Fargo shuttle runs regularly quite more often through concord avenue than County connection buses.

    Please advice how would you benefit the riders from this special route (#19) with the change. I have also looked carpool alternate options through ride match services without success.

    Thanks for your consideration. Please do not eliminate this route or let us the riders know about other alternatives of transportation with County Connection.


    Lorena Ojeda

    • Thank you for taking the time to write. Your comments will be noted – we’ve heard a lot of similar stories.

  • I live in the area of bus route #2, and I believe it would be a mistake to eliminate it. Many people rely on this bus to get to/from work via BART. Just because there’s no growth potential, doesn’t mean the current riders should be cut off. Please reconsider!

  • Hi Mary,
    Elimination of Routes 2 & 19 seem to have gotten the most comments.
    Route 2 is used mostly for commuters and Route 19 for morning trips.
    Instead of total elimination, why not reduce both routes to 2 round trips. Route 2 could leave WC BART at 6;25 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. and at 5:25 p.m. and 6:20 p.m. only. I’d suggest Route 2 use Broadway, as Route 5 is using California Blvd. Route 19 could leave AMTRAK at 8:05 a.m and 10:05 a.m. only. Ralph

  • Broadway Plaza will be undergoing major reconstruction in the next 2 years. Many Las Lomas students used to park near Macy’s, but now parking opportunities for students, employees and shoppers will be slim. Many may need to rely on the #2 Route bus for the next 2 years which may be a change from the past. The parking lot was just closed in March 2014, so if the CCCTA performed studies about ridership, this major change might not have been factored in. We would like for Las Lomas students living in the #2 Route area to have safe, reliable transportation.

    • The proposal does not include and changes to the 602, which provides AM and PM service tied to school bell times.

      • I tried getting on the #602 and the driver said it was for students only. Why? The bus goes the same route? Reporting did no good. Said it was up to the driver. I had to wait for the 4:25 and Broadway/newell.

  • Please try to save route 19 if you can. Lots of seniors & disabled people depend on this. Also a lot of developmentally disabled people. Even if you made changes to the route that would be better than cancelling it altogether. Thank you.

  • I’ll add my voice to keeping the 19. It services areas not served by any other line, and although the productivity is on the low side, the buses are definitely not empty. People depend on it.

    Service to Martinez could be made more efficient by

    1) Have #18 run straight up Contra Costa from Crescent Plaza. The #9
    (which meanders all over anyway) could serve the Taylor-Morello area.

    2) Try to eliminate the Center to DVC portion of the 28. There are
    3 other lines on Contra Costa Bl. I know it’s a challenge to do, but
    try to synchronize times to provide an easy transfer between the
    28 & these other lines and you save a lot of time.

    3) The proposed 28 changes in Martinez(which make a lot of sense) seem to duplicate much of the route of the proposed shuttle. Perhaps the shuttle and the 28 could be one route.

    4) The proposal has 4 lines running on Alhambra, probably at different intervals. (There’s also a WESTCAT line). If times could be well synchronized, fewer buses could probably provide the same levels of service.

  • I am very concerned about the elimination of the #2 bus route. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the public hearing on March 20th. The area served by the #2 bus route includes some very narrow roads such at San Miguel, Mountain View and sections of Rudgear. There are no shoulders on portions of these roads which make it difficult for walkers and for cars to give cyclists the 3-foot berth that is required by law. I certainly hope these issues are included in the decision-making process. I would like to know what the next steps are and when we can expect to hear the outcome.

    • Thank you for your comments. Some of the limitations you cite contribute to the difficulty we also face in providing productive service in this area. There are few places to put accessible bus stops which are required by law, making it difficult to attract riders. The next step is for the planning department to compile all the comments made in this forum, at the meetings, via email, phone and text, make any adjustments, and finally, seek approval for a final recommendation through the committee and board process. The soonest any changes would be implemented would be in conjunction with the fall service period (late August).

    • I agree Debra. Our area is not safe to walk. The #2 makes it easier. To eliminate our route makes things harder for us. Route #21 will mean a longer walk just to catch it. Creekside is part of the downtown area and they can walk.

  • To elimate the #2 bus would make it hard for those who rely on the bus. There is no other bus I could take except walking down Livornia Road which is very busy to catch the #21 which is 25 minute walk.
    1) Creekside is very close to the downtown area and residence can walk it in 10-15 minutes.
    2) Residents living on or near Trotter Way can walk downtown in 90 minutes.
    3) Creekside has easy access to the Iron Horse Trail.
    4) Residents living on or near Trotter Way do not access unless they walk 25+ miles to the trail.
    Creekside can walk to BART in about 30 minutes (give or take).
    5) Trotter Way takes 1 hour 20 minutes to walk.
    6) Creekside has sidewalks and are safe from traffic
    7) Totter Way only has sidewalks in the neighborhood. To walk requires fear from getting hit with narrow high traffic streets.
    So who needs the busses more? Route #5 or Route #2?

  • I rent a room over near Parmer Road where the bus #2 runs and heard that this run has the possiblity of not running (been in the hospital for several weeks). Not having the busses run through anymore. I rely on the busses to get me to and from the Walnut Creek BART Station. I cannot drive due to disability of my eyesite and the bus is my only means of transportation. Because of my eyesite it is too dangerous to be walking on San Miguel. If the busses stop running, I will have no means of transportation. Please reconsider and keep the bus running please. Thank you.

  • I ride my bicycle from downtown Walnut Creek to Shadelands 5 days a week. I bike on the trails and it is quite pleasant. After my initial purchase of a bike for a few hundred dollars, I spend about $10 on tubes per year. I can ride from my apartment steps to the front door of my workplace. Would anyone else ride a bike for trips less than 5 miles if the county built better and safer bicycle connectivity throughout the area?

    Monto mi bicicleta desde el centro de Walnut Creek a Shadelands 5 días a la semana. Moto que en los senderos y es muy agradable. Después de mi primera compra de una bicicleta por unos pocos cientos de dólares, gasto alrededor de $ 10 en los tubos por año. Puedo montar de mis pasos de apartamentos a la puerta principal de mi lugar de trabajo. ¿Alguien más andar en bicicleta si el condado construido mejor y más segura la conectividad de la bicicleta a lo largo de la zona?

  • Bus # 2 runs mostly empty all day long. Please get rid of it, I fear it when I take a walk because there’s no room on our narrow road for this empty speeding monster.

  • I know this is not the route in question but have they decided if they are adding the free shuttle to & from concord Bart and downtown concord as mention in a meeting last yr or was the free 10-2 what decided instead just curious thanks.

    • I believe what you are referring to is the program the Board adopted to allow senior and disabled passengers to ride for free between the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM. This began in late December, 2013.

      • No that’s the 10-2 part I mentioned, what I was talking about was a proposed free shuttle similar to what walnut creek have but in concord doing a loop from concord Bart to downtown todos Santos plaza and back this was mention in a meeting memo last yr, I was wondering did they change their mind and bring back the senior disabled 10-2 instead of doing the free shuttle thanks

        • Sorry, but I’m not familiar with any discussion about a free shuttle between C BART and Todos Santos. It may been something that was brought up, but never got off the ground. Certainly would be publicized if anything materializes.

  • The service through Howe should be kept. Looks as though you want to double up the consumers to the Arnold center by providing a shuttle and eliminating Howe. Why not keep Howe and provide the shuttle? And since you’re creating shuttles, why not a pure downtown shuttle between MTZ and BART? That will bring folks into MTZ and help companies recruiting for talents. Less cars, more public transit, fast non-stop focus.

    • The shuttle was recommended IF Rt. 19 was to be eliminated. But there was considerable opposition to the changes recommended in Martinez so no changes will be made. Everything remains the same.

  • I was wondering what the final result was with bus #2? Are we going to have busses?

    • Lauri, Route 2 service will be reduced to two morning and two evening commute trips while re-routing via Broadway to provide more direct service to Walnut Creek BART.

        • Lauri, I just want you to know that Ralph Hoffmann is not a county connection employee. In this case the responses he made are correct. The Route 2 will not be eliminated, but reduced to provide just a few a few trips in the AM and PM peak period. The changes take effect as of Sunday, August 17th. I’ll have more precise schedule information soon. Feel free to call or email me at

          • Hi Mary,
            I’ve applied to be the Walnut Creek volunteer representative to the County Connection Advisory Committee and expect to be interviewed between July 1-15.

    • I’m sure you know these proposed changes received final approval, with some changes, from the CCCTA Board last Thursday morning.

  • Thank you, having more frequent trips to the Kaiser Optometry works, especially being that those who can’t see enough to drive should be accommodated first, this being a visually disabled place of business and necessary I applaud you. Now how about fixing the connections between bus / bus….and bus / Bart?

    • Thanks. As for connections – we’re always looking for ways to increase service so we can improve connections, but the sad truth is we’ll never have the service levels that allow us to meet all the BART trains. We try to focus equally on meeting those trains we can and maintain decent bus to bus connections at the most heavily used stops. But we’ll keep trying.

  • Hello, I do think your blog could possibly be having web browser compatibility problems.
    Whenever I look at your site in Safari, it looks fine but
    when opening in IE, it’s got some overlapping issues.

    I merely wanted to provide you with a quick heads up! Besides that, great site!

    • Thank you. We’ll make some hosting changes in a couple weeks, and hopefully this will help. BTW I use IE at home and work and don’t have any issues???? Technology – gotta love it.

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