Meeting Date: March 5, 2020
Thursday, March 5, 2020
8:30 a.m.
Supervisor Andersen Office
3338 Mt. Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, CA
Full PacketClick here to download agenda and enclosures
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Public Communication
3. Approval of Minutes from February 13, 2020*
4. Draft Monument Free Program Title VI Fare Equity Analysis*
(Staff will present the Title VI analysis for the proposed continuation of the Monument Free
Program. Staff will request the item be forwarded to the Board for approval.)
5. Bay Area Transit Coordination – Information Only*
(Staff will provide an overview of how County Connection coordinates with other transit
agencies across the Bay Area.)
6. Seamless Transit, AB2057 – Chiu*
(AB2057 will require the region and the Bay Area transit operators to meet certain new state
requirements for transit fare integration, schedule coordination and other items. Staff will
recommend that County Connection Watch AB2057 and remain engaged with the legislature
to improve AB2057 through amendments.)
7. Free Transit Fares, AB1350 – Gonzalez, AB2012 – Chu, AB2176 – Holden*
(These bills all provide for state mandated free fares for select groups. They would without
Transportation Development Act (TDA) and State Transit Assistance (STA) funding from
transit operators that do not comply with ant of these bills. Staff will recommend that
County Connection Watch AB1350 and continue to work to amend it, and to Oppose Unless
Amended AB2012 and AB2176.)
8. FASTER Measure – Verbal Update
(Staff will provide an update on the FASTER efforts.)
(Staff will present the FY 2021 Marketing Plan for review and approval.)
10. Community Events – Information Only*
11. Committee Comments
12. Future Agenda Items
13. Next Meeting – April 2, 2020 (8:30am at 3338 Mt. Diablo Blvd.)
14. Adjournment