ccctadev – Page 17 – County Connection

Rt. 4 Detour on 5/16 and 5/17


Main Street will be closed from Mt. Diablo Blvd. to Civic Drive to vehicles and allow foot traffic only for Art on the Main. Route 4 buses will detour in the northbound direction (Broadway Plaza to WC BART). Hours are from Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to Sunday, 9:00.




Start                   South Broadway

Right                  Newell Ave.

Right                  South Main

Left                     Botelho Dr.

Right                  Locust St.

Right                  Civic Dr.

Left                     North Main ST. to regular Route.



Two Real Time Options For Arrival Predictions

As the economy improves and employment opportunities grow, the need for reliable real time information for bus arrival predictions increases. County Connection offers the public two options for obtaining real time bus arrival predictions.

Feature-Icon_3Color--finalBus Tracker was introduced two years ago and provides either a map view of where buses are along the route, or a grid view that displays arrival predictions for buses at a particular stop. Bus Tracker is a web based system (not an app) that uses existing GPS data to predict real time arrivals. Buses transmit their location every 30 seconds to provide accurate real time information. Users can set up a personalized account to receive arrival alerts by text or email message. Users can specify which bus stop, days of the week, or time of day to receive arrival alerts. Access Bus Tracker on County Connection’s home page or go directly to

512-roundedReal Time Mobile Applications are available for both iPhone and android mobile devices. Thetransitapp is the application that County Connection considers to be the most reliable and valuable. Thetransitapp includes not only County Connection data, but also data for other major transit systems in the Bay Area, making regional trip planning easier. This application may be downloaded from County Connection’s home page, or go directly to

For information on service disruptions and detours follow County Connection on Facebook or Twitter.

Riders Increase Efforts To Reduce CO2 In March

GoGreen_1200x1200_4As County Connection ridership continues to grow, riders are making a bigger impact on the quality of air we breathe. In March, the people riding County Connection buses reduced CO2 emissions by 31,349 pounds every weekday.

Each person can make a difference. With the system average trip length (one way) of 5 miles, each person who leaves their car at home and uses the bus will reduce CO2 emissions by 4.6 pounds. One person – one day a week – can make a difference.

Give us a try! It’s easy…download the free mobile app from our home page to get real time arrival predictions for buses near you.

Monroe Woodard to Compete in International “Roadeo”

MonroeMonroe Woodard will once again represent County Connection in the 2015 International Bus Rodeo sponsored by the American Public Transit Association (APTA). The annual competition features the best of the best from transit properties across the United States and Canada – all vying for the coveted bragging rights. This year’s event takes place in Fort Worth Texas in early May.

Competitors must maneuver a 40-foot bus through an obstacle course consisting of 10 “problems” ranging from precise passenger stops, tight right and left turns, serpentine turns, and a judgment stop – just to name a few. Drivers are also judged on their appearance, safety skills and the smoothness of operation. And finally, they have just 7 minutes to complete the course.

He recently earned the top score in County Connection’s local “roadeo” event. Monroe has been driving for County Connection for 20 years, competing for the past 10 years making improvements each year in his quest to earn the top spot.

Good luck Monroe – we know you’ll give it your best.

Yes, That’s Clipper Equipment You See

Clipper Machine-redYou may begin to see Clipper equipment on County Connection buses. Readers were recently installed on several County Connection buses as part of the testing and installation schedule. Each series of buses in the fleet – each manufactured at different times – may require variations in the placement and the wiring of equipment. Once the initial testing phase is complete the equipment will be ordered and installed on the remainder of the fleet.

All East Bay operators, which include County Connection, Tri Delta Transit (Eastern Contra Costa), Wheels (Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore), and West CAT (Western Contra Costa), will introduce Clipper at the same time. Introduction is still scheduled to take place in late 2015.


Couldn’t Attend The Stand Up 4 Transportation Event?

crowdIt’s not too late to get involved.

The current federal transportation bill is set to expire this year on May 31. It’s important that Congress and the federal government are encouraged to continue to support long term investment in public transit. Federal funds help County Connection replace aging buses and helps keep the entire Bay Area moving.

What Can You Do?

  • Watch and share this video about transit in the Bay Area.Learn more about the issues at Stand Up for Transportation.
  • Share with Congress the importance of maintenance and expansion of public transit, roads, and bridges. Stress the need for long-term investment in our aging infrastructure and transportation resources. Write, call, or email your Congressperson, asking him/her to support a strong transportation funding bill.

April 9, 2015 – Stand Up 4 Transportation

April 9th is Stand Up 4 Transportation Day. County Connection is participating in a regional awareness event at the Temporary Transbay Terminal in San Francisco, and encouraging riders and advocates to attend as well.

The current federal transportation bill is set to expire this year on May 31. It’s important that Congress and the federal government are encouraged to continue to support investment in public transit.

What Can You Do?

  • Join County Connection at the event if you can get away for a few hours. We’ll take a bus to the event that departs from Pleasant Hill BART at 11:00 AM, and leaves San Francisco promptly at 2:30 PM.
  • Watch and share this video about transit in the Bay Area.
  • Learn more about the issues at Stand Up for Transportation.
  • Share with Congress the importance of maintenance and expansion of public transit, roads, and bridges. Stress the need for long-term investment in our aging infrastructure and transportation resources. Write, call, or email your Congressperson, asking him/her to support a strong transportation funding bill.