Board of Directors – April 2019 – County Connection – County Connection

Board of Directors - April 2019

Meeting Date: April 18, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019
9:00 a.m.
CCCTA Paratransit Facility
Gayle B. Uilkema Memorial Board Room
2477 Arnold Industrial Way
Concord, California

Click here to download agenda and enclosures

The County Connection Board of Directors may take action on each item on the agenda. The action may consist of the recommended action, a related action or no action. Staff recommendations are subject to action and/or change by the Board of Directors.

  1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call/Confirm Quorum
  3. Public Communication
  4. Consent Calendar
    1. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 21, 2019*
    2. Update CalTip Appointments*
      Resolution No. 2019-021*
    3. RES Success Program – Midday Free Program*
  5. Report of Chair
  6. Report of General Manager
    1. Recognition of Robert I. Schroder as the Founding Chairperson of CCCTA’s Board of Directors and Authority*
    2. Recognition of Employee with 20 Years of Service
  7. Report of Standing Committee
    1. Administration & Finance Committee
      (Committee Chair: Al Dessayer)

      1. Fiscal Year 2020 Draft Budget and Ten Year Forecast*
        Resolution No. 2019-020*
        (The A&F committee recommends the Board approve the preliminary budget so a timely TDA claim can be submitted to MTC.)
      2. Award Contract for Provision of Paratransit Operations & Maintenance Services to Transdev Services, Inc.*
        Resolution No. 2019-022*
        (The A & F Committee recommends that the Board approve Resolution No. 2019-022, authorizing the General Manager to enter into a contract with Transdev Services, Inc. for the operations and maintenance of Paratransit Services. The contract will be a two-year term effective July 1, 2019, with three one year options, at a cost not to exceed $14,060,935 for the base two year term.)
  8. Board Communication
    Under this item, Directors are limited to providing information, asking clarifying questions about matters not on the agenda, responding to public comment, referring matters to committee or staff for information, or requesting a report (on any matter) be made at another meeting.
  9. Adjournment