Meeting Date: July 20, 2023
Thursday, July 20, 2023
9:00 a.m.
The Board Meeting will be held in-person at:
County Connection Board Room
2477 Arnold Industrial Way, Concord, California
Click here to download agenda and enclosures
Staff and members of the public may attend in-person or participate remotely via Zoom at:
Or One tap mobile :
US: +16699006833,,85399133311# or +14086380968,,85399133311#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): +1 408 638 0968
Webinar ID: 853 9913 3311
Please Note the following COVID-19 Protocols for in-person attendance:
Visitors experiencing the following symptoms of COVID-19 may not enter the building:
- Cough
- Chills
- Sore Throat
- Shortness of Breath
- Muscle Pain
- Loss of Taste or Smell
- Fever
Public comment may be submitted via email to: Please indicate in your email the agenda item to which your comment applies. Comments submitted before the meeting will be provided to the Board of Directors before the meeting. Comments submitted after the meeting is called to order will be included in the correspondence that will be provided to the full Board.
Oral public comments will also be accepted during the meeting in person and through Zoom* or the teleconference number listed above.
Should Zoom not be operational, please check online at: for any updates or further instruction.
The County Connection Board of Directors may take action on each item on the agenda. The action may consist of the recommended action, a related action or no action. Staff recommendations are subject to action and/or change by the Board of Directors.
- Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call/Confirm Quorum
- Public Communication
- Consent Calendar
- Report of Chair
- August Committee & Board Meeting
- Appointment of Nominating Committee for Election of CCCTA Officers
- Report of General Manager
Under this item, the General Manager will report on matters of relevance to CCCTA including, but not necessarily limited to, the following:- State Budget Update
- Regional Network Management (RNM) Update
- Report of Standing Committees
- Administrative & Finance Committee
- Fare Proposal*
(The A&F Committee and staff request that the Board review the proposed fare changes and authorize staff to proceed with the public hearing process.) - Amended and Restated Public Mass Transportation Service Agreement with Sunset Development Company Concerning Bishop Ranch*
Resolution No. 2024-03*
(The A&F Committee and staff recommend that the Board adopt Resolution No. 2024-003 authorizing the General Manager to enter into the agreement with Sunset Development Company.) - Master Funding Agreement with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for Various Planning, Programming and Other Projects*
Resolution No. 2024-02*
(The A&F Committee and staff recommend that the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to execute the agreement.)
- Fare Proposal*
- Administrative & Finance Committee
- Report from the Advisory Committee
- Board Communication – (Directors are limited to providing information, asking clarifying questions about matters not on the agenda, responding to public comment, referring matters to committee or staff for information, or requesting a report to be made at another meeting.)
- Next Meeting Date: TBD
- Closed Session; Public Employee Performance Evaluation; Conference with Labor Negotiator (pursuant to Government Code Sections 54957, 54957.6) Agency Designated Representative: Board Chair
Position: General Manager
Following the Closed Session, the Board may consider potential actions to amend the Employment Agreement of the General Manager - Open Session:
Report of Action(s) taken during the Closed Session
The Board may consider potential actions to amend the Employment Agreement of the General Manager - Adjournment