Operating & Scheduling – October 2013 – County Connection – County Connection

Operating & Scheduling - October 2013

Meeting Date: October 4, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013
8:00 a.m.
Supervisor Andersen, District 2, Lamorinda Office
3338 Mt. Diablo Blvd.
Lafayette, California

Click here to download agenda and enclosures

The committee may take action on each item on the agenda. The action may consist of the recommended action, a related action or no action. Staff recommendations are subject to action and/or change by the committee.

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Public Communication
  3. Approval of Minutes of September 6, 2013 (to be mailed separately)
  4. Maintenance – None
  5. Paratransit and Accessible Services
    1. Paratransit RFP – Draft Scope of Work*
    2. Committee Discussion Regarding LINK Employee Comments at Recent Board Meetings
  6. Planning and Scheduling
    1. Alamo T-1 Proposal and Agreement*
    2. Bishop Ranch Service Proposal*
  7. Staff Reports
    1. FY 2012-13 Year End Report*
    2. Fixed Route Monthly Report*
    3. LINK Monthly Report*
  8. Committee Comments
  9. Future Agenda Items
  10. Next Scheduled Meeting
  11. Adjournment