Proposed Service Restructure and Fare Modification Proposal
Spring 2019
At the April 2018 Board of Directors meeting staff presented two proposals: a service restructure and a fare modification. The Board authorized County Connection staff to proceed with the public outreach process and report back with a final recommendation. Staff anticipates conducting six (6) public hearing (Scheduled Public Hearings) throughout County Connection’s service area in the next couple of months. Below please find more detailed information about both proposals. The earliest these proposed changes would take place is Spring 2019.
Service Restructure:
Planning staff has divided the changes into four regions, the Core, North, South, and Lamorinda. No changes are proposed to the supplemental ‘600’ series routes timed to school bell times. Please follow the links bellow for additional information about each region.

Core Service Area – Clayton, Concord, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek
North Service Area – Martinez, North Concord
South Service Area – Danville, Dublin, San Ramon
Lamorinda Service Area – Lafayette, Moraga, Orinda
Fare Modification:
The last time fares were increased was in 2009, nearly ten (10) years ago. The current proposal will increase the one-way cash fare to $2.50 (for local and express routes) and eliminate paper passes. However, a one-way fare on Clipper will remain at $2.00 and passengers will continue to benefit from the $3.75 Day Pass and Monthly Local/Express Passes, all available on Clipper. For complete details of all changes, follow the link below.