ccctadev – Page 8 – County Connection

You’re Invited

trolley-2County Connection is please to announce the introduction of fully electric buses to our fleet. The public is welcome to attend, listen to speakers, and tour the bus.

WHAT: Electric Trolley Ribbon Cutting
WHEN: Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016
TIME: 10 AM to 11:30 AM
WHERE: Lesher Center For the Arts, 1601Civic Dr., Walnut Creek

What makes this project unique to the Bay Area is two-fold. This is the first fully electric vehicle manufactured right here in the Bay Area by Gillig, a leading transit bus manufacturer. And second, it includes the use of an inductive charging station at Walnut Creek BART, making if possible for the vehicles to stay on route all day long without needing to return to the bus yard to recharge. Learn more about the project.

We hope to see all bus enthusiasts there!

Work Continues At Walnut Creek BART On Inductive Charging Station

10-13-3Crews are busy at work at Walnut Creek BART preparing for the inductive charging station at the Rt. 4 bus stop. The ability to continually charge the new electric Rt. 4 trolleys make it possible for the electric buses to remain in service all day without returning to the bus yard in Concord.

Passengers boarding the Rt. 4 need to use the Rt. 1 stop just a few yards forward while this work takes place. Crews are assisting the buses enter and move through the construction zone safely minimizing impact to the riders.

Stay tuned, we’ll announce the date of the ribbon cutting event soon.


Tour BART’s Train Of The Future This Weekend

BART is hosting an open house this Saturday at the Pleasant Hill BART station from 11AM to 4PM. The public is invited to tour the “Fleet of the Future” cars. If you’re interested in seeing them up close now is your chance. County Connection Routes 311 and 316 serve the Pleasant Hill BART station on Saturdays and Sundays.

For more information visit

Rt. 4 Stop At Walnut Creek BART Moves Forward Sept. 26th


The Rt. 4 passenger loading and unloading area will move forward and use the Rt. 1 – Rossmoor stop at the Walnut Creek BART station beginning Monday, September 26th. Crews will begin construction of the new inductive charging station that will allow the new fully electric trolleys to charge during the course of the day while remaining in service. The four new electric trolleys are expected to be in service by early November.dscn4661

August CO2 Savings

gogreen_1200x1200_heartIn August County Connection bus riders reduced CO2 emissions by 27,945 pounds EACH WEEKDAY. That’s pretty impressive!

Using County Connection’s average trip length (one way) of 5 miles, each person who leaves their car at home and uses the bus will reduce CO2 emissions by 4.35 pounds. So riding just one day a week does make a difference.

Real time options such as the on-line trip planner, Bus Tracker  the free transit app, Clipper, and free Wi-Fi make using the bus more convenient and predictable. Check out these amenities today!

A New Generation of Advanced, Non-Polluting Transit Buses

County Connection – Moving Forward

In late July, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced that County Connection is one of 20 transit agencies in the United States to be selected as the recipient of a competitive grant of nearly $2.7 million to contribute towards the purchase of four 29-foot all battery-electric buses. This news comes as County Connection is about to introduce its wireless all electric trolley in downtown Walnut Creek this fall (exact date to be announced soon). Both of these projects are the result of the unique and innovative partnership between East Bay Area manufacturer GILLIG Corporation, New York-based BAE Systems, and Salt Lake City-based Wireless Advanced Vehicle Electrification Inc. (WAVE).

These three American companies have come together to build a 29-foot electric bus that is inductively charged while on-route and while sitting at the bus yard. This ability will greatly extend practical operating range and battery life. Adequate operating range and battery life cycle costs are two of the biggest challenges facing transit today when asked to begin to transition from conventionally fueled buses to zero emission-based buses. By effectively making progress on these two challenges, County Connection’s two projects will demonstrate opportunities that could transfer these innovations throughout public transit agencies in this country.

trolley-1-resizeOnce we take delivery of the last of the new buses in late 2017 or early 2018, County Connection will have eight all electric buses – which will represent approximately 8.7% of our peak bus deployment.

Of course none of this would be possible without the funding supplied by the FTA. Our first project received over $4 million from the FTA in Clean Fuels funding from the Safe Accountable Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act (SAFETY-LU). This was awarded to us because the wireless electric trolleys that we are purchasing are using a unique and original prototype design.

The July announced funding is through FTA’s Low-No grant program, which is supported in the recently enacted Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST). These funds will augment other FTA funds that we receive on a formula basis, as well as state transportation funding. Without these critical federal funds, County Connection could not integrate a new generation of advanced, non-polluting transit buses into our fleet.

The application process for the Low-No Emissions funds was extraordinary. Out of the $55 million awarded nationwide, County Connection beat out a large number of applicants to secure $2,684,311 from this program. All of us at County Connection are grateful to those that helped us put forward a winning proposal.

The project application was a joint effort between County Connection and The Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE). CTE is a non-profit organization that offers an array of services to help transit operators determine when, where, and how they should consider implementing zero emission based buses into their services and fleets. CTE was instrumental in helping us determine some of those factors and using that knowledge to feed into our application. CTE is doing this all over the country. As a result of CTE’s work, the public transit industry is able to effectively and smartly move more quickly into the world of zero emission-based buses.

Also instrumental in the application process was BART, PG&E, the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA), the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), GILLIG Corporation, BAE Systems, WAVE, Inc. and Congressmen Mark DeSaulnier, Eric Swalwell, and Mike Thompson. Through this strong partnership of many players, County Connection is going to be able to deploy eight all electric buses over the next two years. This will reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases. At the same time, these projects are being managed in a way where our services will not be at risk of being diminished. Rather our service will be enhanced, just like our other technologically advanced projects implemented over the past few years.

New Shelters Coming To Pleasant Hill

August 24, 2016

Residents and riders in Pleasant Hill will begin to see new solar powered bus shelters taking the place of old, out dated shelters. Workers began the process of removing some of the oldest bus shelters in the system this week. In all, six shelters will be replaced in the weeks ahead.

Beginning in 2014 when capital improvement funds from several sources became available, County Connection embarked on a plan to identify some of the most heavily used stops that needed updates.  In some cases the improvements were needed to meet user demand, and in others, to meet compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act.

County Connection works with the city staff in each jurisdiction to determine the priority needs. In Martinez, most of the effort was placed on making improvements at stops, such as pouring concrete pads and curb cuts to bring the stops up to current ADA standards. In the City of Concord, as well as Pleasant Hill, since most bus stops already met ADA standards, their emphasis has been on updating the shelters so they too meet the standards.

As long as these funds are available, County Connection will work our way through each city – until it’s time to start all over again.