County Connection Bus Riders Spare The Air In December – County Connection

County Connection Bus Riders Spare The Air In December

1 day signCounty Connection passengers did more in December to Spare The Air than refrain from using their fireplaces. By using the bus as part of their daily routine, County Connection bus riders reduced CO2 emissions in December by 26,827 pounds EACH WEEKDAY.

With a system average trip length of 5 miles, each person who leaves their car at home and uses the bus will reduce CO2 emissions by 4.6 pounds. One person – one day a week can make a difference. Give the bus try!

2 thoughts on “County Connection Bus Riders Spare The Air In December

  • Lack of evening service on many routes, especially on weekends, is very isolating. Absence of any services on holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving is especially sad. Because of visual problems, I can no longer drive and these issues create a problem for me and many others in a similar position.

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