Board of Directors – May 2016 – County Connection – County Connection

Board of Directors - May 2016

Meeting Date: May 13, 2016

Thursday, May 19, 2016
9:00 a.m.
CCCTA Paratransit Facility
Gayle B. Uilkema Memorial Board Room
2477 Arnold Industrial Way
Concord, California

Click here to download agenda and enclosures

The County Connection Board of Directors may take action on each item on the agenda. The action may consist of the recommended action, a related action or no action. Staff recommendations are subject to action and/or change by the Board of Directors.

  1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call/Confirm Quorum
  3. Public Communication
  4. Consent Calendar
    1. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 21, 2016*
    2. Adjustment to Non-Represented Administrative Employees Compensation*
      Resolution No. 2016-021*
    3. Performance Based Compensation Pool*
      Resolution No. 2016-021*
  5. Report of Chair
  6. Report of General Manager
    1. Recognition of Employees with 30 Years of Service
    2. Update and Report on the Draft Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP)
    3. Status of State Transit Assistance (STA) Allocation from the State Controller’s Office
    4. Update of Senate Bill 824
  7. Report of Standing Committees
    1. Administration & Finance Committee
      (Committee Chair: Director Bob Simmons)

      1. 5 Year IT Replacement Plan*
        (The A&F Committee recommends that the Board of Directors adopt the 5 Year IT Replacement Plan.)
      2. Revised Fiscal Year 2017 Draft Budget and Financial Forecast *
        (The Board will review the FY2017 Draft Budget.)
    2. Marketing, Planning & Legislative Committee
      (Committee Chair: Director Rob Schroder)

      1. Background on State Legislative Activity at County Connection*
        (Information Only)
      2. State Legislative Update: Support AB 2292, Oppose AB 2094*
        (The MP & L Committee recommends that the Board of Directors support AB 2292 and oppose AB 2094.)
    3. Operations & Scheduling Committee
      (Committee Chair: Director Candace Andersen)

      1. Purchase of 31 Heavy Duty Buses*
        (The O & S Committee recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 2016-022 authorizing the General Manager to release a purchase order and Letter to Proceed to Gillig to build thirty-one (31) low floor buses. Total cost of the vehicles, tax, and delivery not to exceed $14,944,780.)
      2. WAVE Inductive Charging Installation*
        (The O & S Committee recommends that the Board authorize staff to evaluate Bids received and make a recommendation for Award.)
  8. Board Communication
    Under this item, Directors are limited to providing information, asking clarifying questions about matters not on the agenda, responding to public comment, referring matters to committee or staff for information, or requesting a report (on any matter) be made at another meeting.
  9. Closed Session
    Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation
    Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (one potential case)
    Conference with Labor Negotiator (pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 and 54957.6)
    Unrepresented Employees – Legal Counsel
  10. Open Session
    1. Report of Action(s) Taken During the Closed Session
    2. Consideration of Proposed Legal Services Rate Adjustment
      Resolution No. 2016-023
      (The Resolution authorizes a rate adjustment to the Agreement for Legal Services)
  11. Adjournment