– September 2014 – County Connection – County Connection

- September 2014

Meeting Date: September 4, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
8:30 a.m.
Pleasant Hill City Hall
Community Room
100 Gregory Ln.
Pleasant Hill, California

Click here to download agenda and enclosures

The committee may take action on each item on the agenda. The action may consist of the recommended action, a related action or no action. Staff recommendations are subject to action and/or change by the committee.

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Public Communication
  3. Approval of Minutes of August 1, 2014*
  4. Maintenance
    1. Retrofit (30) 2009 Gillig Cooling Systems*
    2. Purchase 33 Heavy Duty Buses*
    3. Purchase (4) 29-Foot Electric Trolley Chasis*
  5. Planning and Scheduling
    1. Update on Clipper Installation – verbal report
    2. Fixed Route On-time Performance Evaluation*
  6. Staff Reports
    1. Fixed Route Monthly Report*
    2. LINK Monthly Report*
  7. Committee Comments
  8. Future Agenda Items
  9. Next Scheduled Meeting
  10. Adjournment