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Administrative Offices Closed to Public Starting Wednesday, 3/18

County Connection’s administrative offices, including the LINK Paratransit office, will be closed to the public starting Wednesday, March 18, 2020 until further notice.

County Connection will continue to operate regular service aside from 600-series routes. Due to school closures, the 600-series routes are currently not in service. Service on those routes is expected to resume once schools are back in session.

Customer Service call center will also remain staffed during regular hours (Monday – Friday, 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM) and can be reached by phone at (925) 676-7500 or email at help@countyconnection.com.

Please check our website regularly, or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay informed.

For lost and found inquiries, please call (925) 676-7500.

Additional Info for LINK Passengers

If you need to purchase LINK tickets or pay for ADVANCE PAYMENT, please mail your check to County Connection LINK at:

County Connection LINK
LINK tickets
2477 Arnold Industrial Way
Concord, CA 94520
Do not come to the office, it will be closed to the public.

If your LINK Advance payment account is depleted of funds because of the delay in submitting your payment, LINK will continue to provide trips but will send you an invoice at the end of the month with 15 days to remit payment. Our main concern is the safety of our riders, staff and drivers.

COVID-19 Service Updates

Below are older service alerts that may not contain the latest information.

Updated on 03/14/2022:

All riders are still required to wear a face mask covering their nose and mouth while on the bus and at stations.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has extended the security directive requiring masks on public transportation conveyances and in public transportation hubs through April 18, 2022. Visit https://www.transit.dot.gov/TransitMaskUp for more information.

Updated on 12/18/2020:

Due to reduced operator availability, trips will be cancelled on Routes 1, 5, 10, 14, 16, 20, 35, 95X, 96X, & 98X on Friday, December 18th. Click here for the list of trips. We encourage you to check real-time info on our website or through the Transit app prior to making your trip, or call Customer Service. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Updated on 10/12/2020:

Fare Collection Will Resume November 1st

Fare collection and front-door boarding will resume on County Connection starting Sunday, November 1st. We encourage you to use Clipper for discounts and faster payment. If you do not have a Clipper card, you can request one by calling customer service at 925-676-7500 or by emailing help@countyconnection.com.

Please remember to maintain physical distance and wear a face covering while on the bus and at bus stops.

Fare collection will also resume on LINK paratransit starting November 1st.

County Connection reanudará el cobro de tarifa empezando el domingo 1ro de noviembre. Le recomendamos que utilice la tarjeta de Clipper para obtener descuentos y acelerar el trámite de pago. Si aún no tiene la tarjeta Clipper, por favor de llamar a servicio al cliente para obtener una, al 925-676-7500 or mandar un correo electrónico a help@countyconnection.com

Por favor recuerde de matener distancia física y SIEMPRE utilizar un cubrebocas en autobuses y paradas de autobús.

También se reanudará el cobro de tarifa en el servicio de paratránsito LINK empezando el domingo 1ro de noviembre.

Updated on 08/4/2020:

Fall Bid Schedule Update

County Connection’s Fall schedule will take effect Sunday, August 9, 2020. The list of services changes can be found here. In addition to the changes summarized on July 8, 2020, additional schedule adjustments have been made, in response to the pandemic.

The following routes will have additional schedule adjustments starting Monday, August 10, 2020: 4, 5, 6, 7, 35, 92X, 93X, 95X and 96X.

Additionally, the last evening trips on Routes 10 and 21 will be eliminated.

The updated schedules for the impacted routes can be found below:

Nuevos horarios de otoño

El horario de otoño de County Connection será implementado el domingo 9 de agosto del 2020. La lista de cambios de servicios se puede encontrar aquí. Además de los cambios ya publicados el 8 de julio del 2020, se han realizado ajustes adicionales, en respuesta a la pandemia.

Las siguientes rutas tendrán ajustes de horario adicionales comenzando el lunes 10 de agosto del 2020: 4, 5, 6, 7, 35, 92X, 93X, 95X y 96X.

Además, se eliminarán los últimos viajes de noche en las Rutas 10 y 21.

Los nuevos horarios para las rutas afectadas se pueden encontrar a continuación:

Updated on 06/18/2020:

Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings

On June 18, 2020, the California Health and Human Services Agency updated existing guidance related to COVID-19. The new Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings indicates people in California MUST wear face coverings when they are in certain situations, including those related to public transit:

  • Waiting for or riding on public transportation or paratransit or while in a taxi, private car service, or ride-sharing vehicle;
  • Driving or operating any public transportation or paratransit vehicle, taxi, or private car service or ride-sharing vehicle when passengers are present. When no passengers are present, face coverings are strongly recommended.

Please follow the State’s guidance when traveling on County Connection and all other public transit for the health and safety of our communities. If you do not have access to a face covering, please let us know. You can contact customer service at 925-676-7500 or via email at help@countyconnection.com. You can find more information about masks on the State’s website.

La agencia de Salud y Servicios Humanos de California ha actualizó la guía relacionada con COVID-19 el 18 de junio del 2020. La nueva Guía para el Uso de Mascarillas indica que la gente en California DEBE de usar marcarillas cuando se encuentren en ciertas situaciones, incluyendo situaciones en el transporte público como:

  • Esperando o viajando en transporte público o paratránsito o mientras está en un taxi, servicio de automóvil privado o vehículo para compartir viaje;
  • Conduciendo u operando cualquier transporte público o vehículo de paratránsito, taxi o servicio de automóvil privado o vehículo de uso compartido cuando haya pasajeros presentes.  Cuando no hay pasajeros presentes, se recomienda encarecidamente usar mascarilla.

Por favor de seguir las instrucciones del estado cuando viaje en County Connection y en cualquier otro transporte público, por la salud y seguridad de nuestras comunidades. Si no tiene acceso a una mascarilla, háganoslo saber. Puede contactar al servicio al cliente al 925-676-7500 o por correo electrónico a help@countyconnection.com. Para más información sobre mascarillas visite el sitio web del Estado.

Updated on 05/27/2020:

Limited Service on Routes 92X, 93X, 95X, 96X, 97X Starting Mon, 6/1

Effective Monday, June 1, 2020, County Connection will resume some limited service on express Routes 92X, 93X, 95X, 96X, and 97X. New temporary schedules can be downloaded below:

Updated on 05/07/2020:

Partial Service Restoration Starting Mon, 5/11

Starting Monday, May 11th, County Connection will resume regular weekday service on all local routes except for Routes 5 and 6, which will continue to operate modified schedules. Regular service will also resume on express Routes 91X, 98X, and 99X.

Some trips may experience delays due to limited in-route operator reliefs. In an effort to increase vehicle disinfection and enhance passenger and operator safety, operators are returning to the yard for vehicle exchanges. This added step requires additional time, which can impact on-time performance. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we continue to provide this essential service to the best of our ability.

Please remember to stay home if you don’t feel well. For those on public transit, we recommend maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet apart and wearing a face covering.

For questions, please contact customer service at 925-676-7500 or help@countyconnection.com.

Empezando el lunes 11 de mayo, County Connection reanudará el servicio normal, de lunes a viernes en todas los rutas locales, con la excepcion de rutas 5 y 6. Las rutas 5 y 6 continuarán operando bajo el horario reducido que fue implementado el 8 de abril. Adicionalmente, las rutas 91X, 98X y 99X regresarán a su horario regular.

Algunos viajes tendrán retrasos dado a que los conductores tienen que regresar a el patio de matenimiento después de cada turno. El objetivo es poder desinfectar los autobuses con más frecuencia y mejorar la seguridad de toda persona en nuestros autobuses. Este proceso requiere tiempo adicional, lo cual puede causar retrasos. Agradecemos su comprensión y paciencia mientras continuamos brindando este servicio esencial de la mejor manera posible.

Por favor, recuerde de quedarse en casa si no se siente bien. Aquellos que necesiten nuestro servicio, se les recomienda mantener 6 pies de distancia y cubrirse la cara, siempre que sea posible.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el servicio al cliente al 925-676-7500 o help@countyconnection.com

Updated on 04/17/2020:

New “Cover Your Face” Order Effective April 22nd

Attention all transit users, Contra Costa County released a new health order on Friday, April 17, 2020. Starting Wednesday, April 22nd, this new “Cover Your Face” order requires public transit and government workers to wear masks when they come close to others, or where the public is likely to be present. Specific to public transit, members of the public must wear a mask when they wait in line or ride public transportation. Additionally, the new order indicates businesses may not serve customers who do not observe the order. The order does not require children 12 and younger to wear masks. Children 2 years old and younger MUST NOT wear them because of risk of suffocation.

Face coverings can be anything made of cloth, fabric or other permeable material that covers the nose and mouth and the lower part of the face. Medical-grade masks are not required – a T-shirt or bandana works fine.

We remind passengers that the Shelter-in-Place order remains in effect until May 3rd. Please continue to use public transit for essential travel ONLY and stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) from other people, as much as possible.

Updated on 04/15/2020:

Weekend Service Adjustments Starting Sat, 4/18

Effective Saturday, April 18, 2020, County Connection will be temporarily cancelling select evening trips on the routes listed below. Click the link to download a PDF of the new schedule.

Updated on 04/14/2020:

Routes 712 & 715 cancelled starting 4/20

Starting Monday, April 20, 2020, Early Bird Express Routes 712 and 715 will be cancelled until further notice.

AC Transit will continue to operate Routes 701 and 702 to the Salesforce Transit Center:

  • Route 701 will leave Pittsburg/Bay Point BART at 3:52 am and 4:05 am
  • Route 702 will leave Pleasant Hill BART at 4:04 am

Updated on 04/07/2020:

Temporary Service Adjustments Starting Wed, 4/8

Over this past weekend we experienced a significant operator shortage and service delivery has been rather disjointed ever since. For this, we apologize. We are doing our best to adjust our service with minimal service disruptions given the limited resources available.

Starting tomorrow, April 8th, most weekday local service will be reduced, and express service will be eliminated, with the exception of Routes 98X and 99X. New schedules have been posted to our website. Please check the new temporary schedules before making your trip. At this time, we expect that weekend service will continue operating as regularly scheduled.

There may be some continued disruptions over the next few days as we work on transitioning to these new schedules as quickly as possible. We encourage you to check the Transit App on a daily basis to ensure your trip is operating or call customer service at 925-676-7500. You can also email us at help@countyconnection.com.

Thank you for your patience and continued patronage. Stay healthy!

Updated on 04/06/2020:

At County Connection, we are doing our best to protect our employees. Social distancing is mandated throughout the facilities, administrative staff has alternating work-from-home schedules and all employees have access to personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and N95 masks. Sanitizing wipes and individualized hand sanitizer have been distributed to each driver and made available throughout the facilities. Fares are no longer collected in an effort to minimize interactions with the public. Maintenance staff was able to rewire the mechanical system to allow for rear door boarding. Additionally, a plastic barrier designed to protect the driver is in the process of being installed on all buses. The safety of our drivers has been, and will continue to be, our number one priority, as they continue to rise to the challenge demanded of us during these unprecedented times.

Per the Governor’s and Contra Costa County’s shelter-in-place orders, County Connection is considered an essential service and must continue to provide service to the best of our ability. In these trying times, our drivers, like drivers across the Bay Area, first responders, nurses, and doctors, provide the various types of essential services the public needs to fulfill basic needs. Despite everyone’s best efforts to protect all of these employees, the nature of essential workers no doubt carries a risk. After numerous discussions with Contra Costa County officials, County Connection has been directed to remain open based on a low-level risk assessment due to all of the precautionary measures mentioned above. County Connection recognizes the severity of this worldwide pandemic and we respect an individual employee’s decision to stay home. Nonetheless, we are grateful for the drivers and administrative staff that continue to provide this essential service and we hope everyone is safe and healthy.

Updated on 03/30/2020:

LINK Paratransit Update

During the COVID-19 shelter-in-place order, County Connection is providing essential ride and delivery services to the community.

  • Shuttle transportation for “essential employees” who need transportation to their workplace (i.e. hospitals, doctor’s offices, medical centers, etc.)
  • Rides for essential services as approved by CCCTA staff (grocery store, pharmacy and medical appointments)
  • Delivery of food in partnership with the Meals on Wheels organization
  • Delivery of essential supplies to any location in Contra Costa County and to approved destinations in adjacent counties as needed.

Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm
Call one day in advance to schedule a ride or delivery.
Phone: (925) 938-7433
Email: johanna.duran@transdev.com

Service Hours
Monday – Friday, 4 am – 10 pm
Saturdays – Sundays, 6 am – 6 pm

Updated on 03/27/2020:

We recognize weekday service has experienced a number of interruptions due to COVID-19. Although weekday interruptions will continue in the near future, ALL WEEKEND service will continue to operate as regularly scheduled. As things change, we will be continue to keep you updated. We appreciate your understanding as we do our best to provide you with as much service as we possibly can.

Reconocemos que el servicio de lunes a viernes a sufrido de un número de interrupciones dado al COVID-19. Estas interrupciones de lunes a viernes continuarán por algún tiempo, sin embargo, TODO el servicio los FINES DE SEMANA operará sin interrupciones. A medida que las cosas cambien, le mantendremos informado. Sinceramente apreciamos su entendimiento mientras continuamos haciendo lo mejor para proveerle este servicio.

Updated on 03/26/2020:

Due to the current state of operator availability, select trips on Routes 4, 14, 18, 19, 21, 92X, 93X, 95X, 96X, and 97X will be cancelled starting Friday, March 27, 2020 until further notice. Check our service alerts for any additional trip cancellations.

Updated on 03/24/2020:

Service Update

Attention passengers, given the current state of operator availability some County Connection service may be interrupted. We are making every effort to continue to provide service based on passenger demand. Due to declining ridership, many of our express routes will be experiencing lower levels of service. Local service, including service to BART, has been prioritized in an effort to provide access to essential services such as food, pharmacies, banks and health providers.

Please check our service alerts regularly for the latest updates. As always, we encourage you to contact customer service with any questions or concerns. They can be reached at: 925-676-7500 or via email help@countyconnection.com.

Atención pasajeros, dada la disponibilidad de nuestros conductores, ciertas rutas de County Connection serán interrumpidas. Estamos tratrando de proveer servicio según la necesidad de nuestros pasajeros. Ya que la cantidad de pasajeros continua disminuyendo, muchas de las rutas express tendrán menos servicio. El servicio local, incluyendo servicio a BART, ha sido priorizado para dar acceso a servicios esenciales como la comida, farmacias, bancos, y proveedores de salud.

Por favor revise las alertas de servicio regularmente para los recibir información al corriente. Como siempre, llame al servicio al cliente si tiene alguna pregunta. Por teléfono al 925-676-7500 o por correo electrónico help@countyconnection.com.

Updated on 03/23/2020:

In an effort to minimize contact on County Connection buses, County Connection is temporarily suspending fare collection on all routes including paratransit starting Tuesday, March 24, 2020. While on the bus, we ask that you follow the 6 feet social distancing recommendation. If you have any questions, please contact customer service at 925-676-7500.

Como parte del esfuerzo de reducir el contacto en los autobuses the County Connection, empezando el martes, 24 de marzo del 2020, County Connection no cobrará tarifa en ninguna ruta o el servicio de paratránsito. Una vez en el autobus, por favor de seguir la recomendación de mantener 6 pies de distancia con otros pasajeros. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor de contactar al servicio al cliente al 925-676-7500.

Updated on 03/17/2020:

During the shelter in place order, County Connection will continue to operate regular service aside from 600-series routes. Due to school closures, the 600-series routes are currently not in service. Service on those routes is expected to resume once schools are back in session.

Per the order, people must use public transit only for purposes of performing Essential Activities or to travel to and from work to operate Essential Businesses or maintain Essential Governmental Functions and Essential Infrastructure operations and maintenance. People riding on public transit must comply with Social Distancing Requirements, to the greatest extent feasible.

Our Customer Service call center will also remain staffed during regular hours (Monday – Friday, 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM) and can be reached by phone at (925) 676-7500 or email at help@countyconnection.com. For lost and found inquiries, please call (925) 676-7500.

Our administrative offices, including the LINK Paratransit office, will be closed to the public starting Wednesday, March 18, 2020 until further notice. Click here for more info.

Please check our website regularly, or follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter to stay informed.

Transit agencies around the country are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) development. At County Connection, all buses and maintenance and administrative facilities are disinfected on a daily basis. All staff have access to gloves and masks. We encourage everyone to adhere to the following recommendations, as the best way to prevent the spread of any respiratory virus, including COVID-19, is through good hygiene:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available
  • People who are sick should always cover their coughs and sneezes using a tissue or the crook of their elbow; wash your hands after using a tissue to wipe your nose or mouth
  • People who are sick should stay home from work or school until they are well
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your unwashed hands
  • Contact your healthcare provider if you have symptoms and/or had close contact with someone with symptoms who traveled in the last 14 days from China.

Please review the information from Contra Costa Health Services and the Center for Disease Control.

Proposed Continuation of Monument Free Program

The Public Hearing originally scheduled for March 19, 2020 has been cancelled and rescheduled for April 16, 2020.


Notice of Public Hearing

The Central Contra Costa Transit Authority (County Connection) will hold a public hearing to gather comment on the proposed continuation of a pilot program offering free rides on weekday Routes 11, 14, and 16, as long as funding remains available for the program through the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP) or another similar funding source. These routes serve low-income communities along the Monument Corridor and connect from Concord BART to various destinations in Martinez, Pleasant Hill, and Walnut Creek, including BART stations, Martinez Amtrak and Contra Costa Regional Medical Center.

Comments can be submitted in writing via mail, email, or online, or at the scheduled public hearing. Written comments must be received by March 11, 2020.

How to Comment

  • In writing to:
    Director of Planning & Marketing
    2477 Arnold Industrial Way
    Concord, CA 94520
  • At the public hearing:
    Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 9:00 am
    County Connection Board Room
    2477 Arnold Industrial Way
    Concord, CA 94520

It is anticipated that the Board of Directors will take action on the proposed fare program at their regular meeting scheduled for April 16, 2020, following the public hearing.

County Connection Sees Increase in Ridership

Agency’s service and route changes realize results.

CONCORD, CA – County Connection is showing an increase in ridership in year-over-year comparisons, especially on routes where bus frequency has increased. Last spring the agency announced significant service and route changes that included increasing peak service frequency, discontinuing routes, adding extensions, and making minor adjustments. Since the changes in March 2019, although revenue hours have not increased, ridership is growing and was nearly 11% higher in November 2019, when compared to the same month last year.

“Any significant change in service will generally take a year or two for people to utilize it to its potential,” said Rick Ramacier, County Connection General Manager. “However, based on what we know about the response to the service changes so far, we are pleased.”

County Connection is showing signs of being ahead of the national curve on transit ridership increases. Nationally transit ridership reports did show declines through 2018, but of late numbers have stabilized and are on an upswing. According to the quarterly “Transit Ridership Report” released by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), nationally ridership increased in 2019 by 2.20% when compared to the third quarter of 2018.

Primary contributors to County Connection’s ridership increase includes:

  • Comprehensive Operational Analysis of all County Connection services, which incorporated community needs outreach, rider input, and anticipated future public transit demands.
  • Major service changes implemented in March 2019 that included cuts, adjustments, and enhancements throughout the service area.
  • New weekend route 335 launched to serve the San Ramon Transit Center, Bollinger Canyon Rd, Dougherty Rd, and Dublin/Pleasanton BART on Saturdays and Sundays
  • Major schedule and routing changes to routes serving Bishop Ranch (Routes 92X, 95X, 96X, and 97X) featuring 10 min peak frequency from Walnut Creek to Bishop Ranch.
  • Free rides on three weekday bus routes – Routes 11, 14, and 16 – as part of a one-year pilot program that began on July 1, 2019.
  • Rider amenities like free Wi-Fi aboard County Connection buses.

“County Connection is more customer-focused to meet the needs of today’s riders and the significant improvements to our services means reduced roadway congestion from individual cars and more mobility options for those that need it,” said Candace Andersen, County Connection Board Chair. “We are encouraged by the direction our ridership numbers are going, knowing that we can connect more of the region’s residents to work, education, medical appointments, and other destinations that help people go about their daily lives. These early results prove riders are discovering how convenient riding public transit can be.”

System wide County Connection provides more than 12,000 daily rides throughout its service network. All County Connection riders can get real-time arrival information and track bus locations by downloading the Transit app, available for iPhone and Android phones, or by visiting countyconnection.com.

About County Connection
County Connection operates fixed-route and paratransit bus service throughout the communities of Concord, Pleasant Hill, Martinez, Walnut Creek, Clayton, Lafayette, Orinda, Moraga, Danville, San Ramon, as well as unincorporated communities in Central Contra Costa County. For assistance or for more information on bus routes, please visit countyconnection.com or call Customer Service at (925) 676-7500.

Get your holiday shopping done with County Connection!

Planning to do some holiday shopping? Forget the hassles of traffic and parking and leave the driving to us!

These are just some of the major shopping destinations that we serve:

Alamo Plaza21321
Broadway Plaza4 (FREE!)4 (FREE!)
City Center Bishop Ranch35, 92X, 96X, 97X335
Crescent Plaza9, 16 (FREE!), 18314, 316
Crossroads Shopping Center9316
Downtown Martinez16 (FREE!), 18 , 19, 28, 98X316
Concord Park N Shop11 (FREE!)311
Pleasant Hill Shopping Center18 , 19, 28, 98X 316
Rheem Shopping Center66
Sunvalley Mall9, 18, 20, 98X314, 316
The Veranda & Willows Shopping Center91X320

Need some trip planning help?

Try using the handy trip planner on our homepage here, or talk to one of our friendly Customer Service Representatives by calling (925) 676-7500 (Monday – Friday, 6:30 am – 6:30 pm)

Winter Service Changes Starting Nov 17, 2019

Winter service changes will take effect starting Sunday, November 17, 2019, and will include major schedule and routing changes to routes serving Bishop Ranch (Routes 92X, 95X, 96X, and 97X), as well as minor schedule changes on Routes 1, 9, and 93X.

Summary of Changes

  • 10 min peak frequency from Walnut Creek to Bishop Ranch, see Routes 95X & 96X
  • Reduction in service on Route 97X (3 fewer AM trips, 1 less PM trip)
  • Stops at Chevron, BR 3, & BR 6 will no longer be served. BR 7 will no longer be served by Routes 95X, 96X, & 97X.
  • Stop at BR 1 will be relocated (see map)
  • Routes 96X & 97X will only serve southern part of Bishop Ranch (BR 1, BR 2600, Sunset/Bishop, San Ramon Transit Center)
  • Route 95X will serve northern part of Bishop Ranch (BR 15, BR 8, Annabel, San Ramon Transit Center)
  • Minor schedule changes on Routes 1, 9, & 93X

Maps & Schedules

RouteChangeNew Map & Schedule
1Schedule changes PDF
9Schedule changes PDF
92XRouting change to remove Chevron stop PDF
93XSchedule changes PDF
95XIncreased service; routing change to serve northern part of Bishop Ranch (Annabel, BR 8, & BR 15); southbound AM trips and northbound PM trips will not serve Danville Park & Ride PDF
96XSome trips replaced by Route 95X; routing change to only serve southern part of Bishop Ranch (BR 1, BR 2600, Sunset/Bishop, San Ramon Transit Center) PDF
97XReduction in service; routing change to only serve southern part of Bishop Ranch (BR 1, BR 2600, Sunset/Bishop, San Ramon Transit Center) PDF

Starting October 9: Possible Power Outages in Contra Costa County

PG&E is monitoring a severe wind event this week that could impact nearly 30 counties across Northern and Central California and has issued a fire weather watch for vast portions of Northern California.  PG&E has informed various cities in Contra Costa County that the utility may proactively turn off power for safety as part of it’s Public Safety Power Shutoff.

Should this shut off occur, street lights could be affected and cause route delays.  County Connection’s services will continue to operate, but could experience delays.  Contact customer service at 925-676-7500 for updates.

For Paratransit Trips

If this power outage goes into effect, it may affect your Paratransit trips.

·         Please expect longer than usual hold times, drivers may not be able to reach dispatch to make same day changes to your trips.

·         There may be significant delays to your trips.

·         Passengers are encouraged to postpone non-essential trips for a later date.

·         You are encouraged to keep your cell phone fully charged at all times.

·         Any medical equipment requiring battery or electricity must be fully charged.

·         Drivers will not be able to make detours to your trip as a result of power outages.

·         Communicate with your dialysis unit or medical doctor on their current schedule